

问题:做外贸过程当中我们经常要寄样品给我们的客户,所以经常要出现我们要跟进客 户样品测试进度或是测试结果,那要如何跟进客户才能更好地撬动客户呢?之前在展会加了一 个国内客户,寄了样品测试,之前说还没有测试,后来就不回信息了,连一个女孩在等待也 发过去了都不回信息。现在怎样可以让他回信息呢?

回复思路:跟进客户的时候要有点撬动客户的点,看了不回往往是我们没有撬动客户的 点,也就是写的邮件要让客户看到了邮件不回都要觉得不太好意思,而且跟进样品单的时候 不太能空洞,像什么How is the testing? Any feedback of the testing等等。


Dear Xxx,

Wish you have a nice day and everything goes well.

Time flies, it has been some time after you received our samples, I have to say "thank you"to your patience which was really helpful for us to confirm the sample order and your negotiation skills are still very impressive.

I would love to write this email and confirm if you need some help from our side after you receive the samples, here are some tips about the sample testing,which I would love to offer you:

1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

There are some tips that we test the samples without professional equipment, I hope this would be helpful for you.

Sure a good business needs more communication, as a professional and responsible sales, I think I should have something that you may probably need.

We have already spent so much time in this order I do believe both of us would love to make our effort to be more valuable, right?

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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