


问题:我们给客户价格是2.265usd/kg,他说如果我们同意1.93usd/kg成交,那可以下订 12吨。我们只能给2.313usd/kg.而且现在我们国内对尿裤卫生巾的需求量很大,都在涨价, 而且交期都在延长,并且这个中间商是需要拿出一点佣金给这个大客户里面的某些管理层, 然后让这几个管理层向负责订单的高管推荐我们公司的。所以5个点佣金就是这个中间商和 这个大客户里面几个管理层一起分的。上次那个订单我就有让中间商和管理层们说一下,要 不降低一下佣金,价格低点成交好过拿不到订单,但他们说即使佣金少了,也达不到客户的 目标价。所以他们最后就没同意把佣金降低。

回复思路:用高情商的话术反问客户给的目标是怎么来的,一定程度上表达我们对自己 的价格自信以及想跟他们合作的意愿,同时表达我们无能为力再降价了,坚持底线原则。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your waiting my answer after we had a serious meeting with my leaders.

In fact, we don' t understand where you mentioned US$1.93/kg, and how does it come from ?

Supposed you order this time, the total amount is US$26,556, however, this amount is CFR payment term even including credit operate fee which is paid by us, especially, during this hard time, exchange rate is changed which means that we has lost money already even material and labor cost are also increased too. So, you can image that we don' t have much profit at all. Who is more harder ? Please kindly understand our bad status now :

I really want to do business and keep good cooperation with your company, and I don' t want to lost you and you are so kind, since our cooperation, you find that we both always keep good communication, as long as have any chance, I try my best to give you lower price like last two times, however, it is really hard for us to down again.

As you knew, a long and good business really needs win to win, please kindly consider my requirement, otherwise, how we continue to ?

Thousands of thank you very much for your kind understanding.

Yours sincerely, Xxx

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