
案例51 客户讲价,要求我们降价


问题:客户背景:AR玩具批发商,未成交,多次报价,展会多次到位参观°客户是比较 有明显合作意向的,展会期间也有试的较详细,展会后有即时保持联系。客户指定款式数量 明确;展会有初步报价,但客户价格压价甚至低于工厂出厂价。


1. 其他供应商报价类似产品价格低于我们很多;

2. 要求我们达到一样的价格才会继续;

3. 玩具关税达到35;

4. 最后的邮件答复是更加偏向匹配市场价格的定位。


展会已经有进行切步核价,后期我们立即组织工厂按要求实际核价和物料人工等价格核 价,最终价格有上升,但为了合作可以保持展会价格给他,但要求十天内确定;

1. 我提供了优惠券折扣;

2. 叫客户提供所提及的低价产品的相关信息,进行分析;

3. 现在材料做法产品认证的基础进行理论;

4. 告知本次的高度合作向和真词的合作关系;

5. 有三次电话联系;

6. 考虑更换为另外一种原料勉强达到价格,但不确定是都这样做台适,客户现在暂时没有 新的回复。

回复思路:客户还没有做出最终的选择,看来我们一定有客户值得选择的地方,别人也许 也有,但我们一定要表现得非常有自信,我们自己也要相信我们公司的产品,价格,所以我 们应该给以客户“最后一要稻草”。


Dear Xxx,

Wish you have a nice day and everything goes well.

Last time I replied your email about the order about the Xxx Products that we keep communicating more than xxx months.(就是沟通的时长)..

I do believe we are just one step from the cooperation, please do trust lower prices are always available and also always with reasons.

Most of the time in the market lowest prices would never take the main market but some "margin" market, as one of the biggest toy factories in Shantou, you have to know that sometimes (especially some special case) or even some small problems are very difficult for the cheapest price factory to solve, even worse they can't solve at all. But these special cases or small problems are not even a problem to us.

Now you still have to spend a lot of time to find this and that suppliers but they can't give you enough safety, I really hope you can share us a chance to prove it (Most of the time a little more cost would bring much more profits).

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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