

问题:有一个客户想找我们定制羊绒衫,他让我把我们的羊绒产品目录册发给他看,后 来我发了,但是产品目录册上的产品是纯羊绒的很贵,但是我们是可以做便宜一点的产品的, 现在客户不回复了,我应该怎么跟他说呢?

回复思路:先参考这个客户不回复的话术发邮件,邮件中附件新的产品目录,要把两个 产品目录的对比写出来,比如含羊毛比例A%.B%这样让客户自己选择。后面发目录给客户的 时候可以先看看客户卖的产品在哪个价位空间,然后选择合适的目录推给客户。


Dear Xxx,

Wish you have a nice day and everything goes well.

Since our two months of communication, I think you are a really smart and nice man, so that I hope the more support we can supply to make our efforts earn more. Here I attached a new catalogue for your reference, we have two different lists for these products, the first list with A% wool content, the second list with B% wool content.

I'm very sorry but I'm a little worry about the order that I didn't offer enough help to you to finalize the order. So please please please must let me know the difficulties or concerns you are facing now so that I can offer my help with professional experience and product knowledge. If the order is canceled because of my a un-enoughw help, I would feel very guilty.

By the way this product has been selling very hot in our company, I heard that another colleague is also negotiating an order for this product. Anyway, business just business, I would like to help you more for any products you are want to purchase in our Chinese market, this just for long time friendship.

Your reply on the confirmation would be a very good comfort to a little girl's crisp heart.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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