


问题:我这边有一个客户今天下了订单,价格比5月份的价格涨了 18个点,以下是我按 照您的话术从第一封邮件跟客户沟通到客户回复的两个回合。客户现在让我们降3个点。但 是呢,这个价格真的是最低的价格了,我们已经没有空间再降了。麻烦帮忙看看怎么回复客 户好?

I can not ask you to lost money.

Check if you can adjust the price 15% and I will discuss with my boss.

Another thing very important.

Have you check if this product is according with the new ERP standard?

回复思路:要是一开始就涨20个点现在不就好了嘛,哈,现在把自己搞死了,一点空间 都没有,现在对于客户来说不是涨多少的问题,现在客户需要一个台阶下,没有台阶下只能 硬着皮头上(多次涨价下希望我们业务员能够明白,涨价是很正常的商业行为,不要自己吓自 己):


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Please do trust that we are in the same boat now, I am not a smart sales that to increase more like 20% then I would gave you some discount afterwards, sure I would not have more commission if I sold you higher cost (even it is a little more, but it would not have big difference, the most important for me is to get your order), you have to believe that if I could offer you more discount then sure I would do.

In order to get your order I did all my margins that I could do in the beginning, now I really would love to gain a step for both of us, so I am really awkward when readying your email,could you please try to help me to pass this awkward?

Sure if you could support me in this order then I will feedback you more in the future when you probably need from me, thank you very much.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards, Yours Xxx

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