

问题:做外贸过程当中我们经常会遇到一些情况就是我们报价的时候会因为各种原因导 致我们报错了价格,这个时候如果随便说的话很有可能会给客户带来不是很好的体感,所以 要利用高情商话术去解释,价格忘记利润报了出去,怎么挽救?


Dear Xxx,

Wish you have a nice day and everything goes well.

Thank you very much for your kind support in the new order of Xxx Product with total amount of $xxx.

I am very sorry but due to the Coronavirus, which brought higher cost in the raw material, the prices I quoted to you in this order will result in at least 10% lost.

Please do trust we are not that kind of suppliers who would like to charge you more after we confirm the order, luckily we got the updates from our raw material suppliers before the production but not after the production, we still have the chance to revise it before production.

Today our company held a meeting of your order, sure we should be the one who should take the responsibility, anyway our company would really request your understanding and support on it, that means our company would love to share half of the cost of $1100, that means you may only need to pay $550extra. (Please do believe we didn't get any profits from this order, we just would love to make it happen).

So would you please double confirm with your company about this so that we could make this order finally confirmed?

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards, Yours Xxx

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