


问题:我有一个客户是做信保单的,发信保单给客户的时候货值加运费才2200美金,但 是现在要出货了海派的运费狂涨,现在需要3700美金才能发货,一下涨了 1500美金,我现 在要怎么跟客户谈呢?


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind support in the new order of our xxx product.

I am very sorry but please share your best understanding that now the shipping cost increased a lot compared to the cost one month ago, the shipping cost I quoted to you was $ xxx, now it needs $xxx.( 运费和涨价运费)

Please do trust we would not add the cost without reason, as long as we have the reasonable profits sure we would not charge from our customers. (As we would have very big potential risk to lose you or other customers with adding cost)

So please do trust to add the cost is the last step that we could do without other better options. As long-term business partners, we should help each other to grow together with reasonable profits so that we can work together further and longer.

Sure you can support us in the cost, please do believe we would return more in the future when you need help from us.

Your understanding would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Yours Xxx

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