

问题:我有个客户,报价报的是比较便宜的材质,但是当时报价我没有注意到这一点, 后面客人下了样品单要打样,我选了一种比较好的材质去打样了,现在客户要下单,我们重 新评估价格之后发现之前给他报的那个价格不可取,但是客户刚叫我给他发PI,这个节骨眼重 新涨价,客户也很难接受;不涨价,只能用之前报价的材质去做才不会亏,但是十月份把样 品实物寄给了客户,他手上有样板,如果我们换材质,他也会注意到的。我该怎么办呢?



Dear Xxx,

I am sorry and have to tell you a bad news for you today.

The sample you got and ready to confirm order, whose material supplier we cooperated 5 years are appeared and don' t have any response suddenly when we want to communicate more details for this new order.

That is very rare status in our previous cooperation, but, except for surprise, we are looking for new material suppliers as instead, just please kindly give us some times.

Sure, we have others suppliers as second or third replacement, but, comparing quality and cost, the first one is more competitive, even though it is out of our control now, but please kindly give us 1 more day to find the best one.

Besides, our whole company and accordingly dept, have been holding meetings and take care much for this project. We are very serious.

Thousands of thank you very much for your kind understanding.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Xxx,

After my all colleagues effort from purchase dept., we found replacement finally, that is, use same materials and keep as full same quality as the sample you got, even, the delivery time can be controlled within 28 days, besides, he promised us that can compensate by day if beyond fixed delivery time. However, the final product cost is US$1.55/pc.

In my opinion, it is available to do a perfect sample first then discuss again, supposed the sample quality is better than previous one, it is a better chance. How do you think ?

Yours sincerely,


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