

问题:老师,我的一个日本客户需要一批贴钻工艺的铝制香水瓶,之前也报过价了。但 是现在供应商都不愿意接,嫌量太少,不够人工费。愿意接的报价太高,已经超过了我报个 客户的价格。有没有什么好的解决办法处理这个问题。因为当时采购给错价了,所以现在不 管我报一千还是一万件都是亏的。之前$1.35,现在$1.75.



Dear Xxx,

A bad news for you now.

There was only 7 days since I offered last time, however, during these 7 days, it happened that material cost was increased and material supplier requirement was changed accordingly.

Last time, it is US$1.35 but now the price is US$1.85 base on MOQlOOOpcs. I am not sure whether you still want to try it, however, I don' t have any reason to push you away, and the feeling of I want to do business with you is stronger than any other ones in our company, anyhow, please kindly double consider whether have any possibilities or chance then let us cooperate.

Especially, the Christmas is coming, Christmas always a HOT SEASON, as per our experience, the materials will increased around 12% during the hot season, the shipping will increase around 8%, meanwhile, USD to RMB is uncontrollable, you can save at least 20% during the hot season, the earlier you confirm everything the more you can save. I really want to help you save cost, and I would like to keep you know update.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely, Xxx

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