
案例33 找客户涨价的合理话术


问题:在外贸当中很多外贸业务员都只有给客户降价的习惯,但没有给客户涨价的习惯, 一遇到涨价总是想办法对付公司而不是对付客户。其实很多时候客户的可接受程度要远比我 们想象中要高,多看一下下面的几个案例来找点感觉,为以后自己给客户涨价树立起信心。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

I am very sorry but please do share your best understanding that we would not add the cost without reasons, as long as we have the reasonable profits sure we would not charge from our customers (as we would have very big potential risk to lose you or other customers with adding cost).

So please do trust to add the cost is the last step that we could do without other better options.

As long term business partner we should help each other to grow together with reasonable profits so that we can work together further and longer.

Sure if you can support us in the cost, please do believe we would feedback you more in the future when you need the help from us.

Your understanding would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx.

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