
问题:我之前成交了一个以色列的客户,按照客户的设计给客户打了PVC瑜伽垫的样品并 且寄给他。这两天跟进样品反馈的时候,客户突然说样品很脏,并且会褪色,而且还发了图片 给我。然后我们马上对留底的样品进行测试,发现并未出现客户所说的情况,然后就拍测试 过程视频给客户观看,并且让客户同样也拍样品测试视频给我们。今天客户回复说他已经吧 样品给丢掉了,并且扬言要用那张图片在我们Alibaba±面差评,情况要如何解决呢?


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

I am very sorry to hear that, sure you have the right to give the negative feedback on Alibaba, anyway things happened with reasons as we are human with feelings, with knowledge, with judge...

As your professional and responsible sales, I sent you the right sample according to the order.

According to what you mentioned that our sample was dirty and color fading issue, and we tested the same quality sample in our hand and found it would not happen as you described together with videos.

We request you to test the sample again and try to take a video and show us (I do believe this is a reasonable request as a seller), but you threaten us that you would give us negative feedback. (If my expression made you have misunderstand then I have to say sorry, So this time I am trying to write it more clearly).

So I really hope you can re-confirm if something amis-happenedw about our samples or others, I am totally ready to offer my help to you with my professional product knowledge and experience to find out the reasons, thank you very much.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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