

问题:我有个墨西哥老客人,她每个月预计会采购一次,当他下完订单后,我们同事发 开发信更新了最新的口罩原材料价格USD4,巧了的是刚好这个客人与我的老客人是朋友,他们 分享了这份报价然后来问我让我给他更新价格,30号我给他更新了价格并跟他说那份开发信 的价格是基于库存,客人就说从上次报的价格USD13现在才USD9,就开始质疑质量抓着不 放,后面就又谈到了支付方式,说先付50%定金,然后等货到了检查质量没有问题,再付余 款,然后我委婉的拒绝了,看似已经不扯质量了,然后我就提醒他7号是最后的价格有效期, 他就说能不能延期到10号,他们因为机器问题还没决定好要买多少材料,过了几天一直没有 消息,到13号我问他还没有决定好吗,他就立马回了说他们决定了与其他供应商合作,他们 找的供应商的按我们标准去找的,原因是因为他们目前的现金流问题,说价格是他们的决定 的因素,然后又告诉我说接下来几周他们还会再买,希望还能继续合作•然后我就再次询问 了为什么要更改供应商,客人列了四点,说我们质量非常好,但是我们的价格比其他高了 50%, 最后一点还是提到了说希望和我们合作。然后我让客人寄同行的样品给我们,那个供应商是 上海的,但是已经第三天了,我们也没有收到样品。请问老师我应该要如何跟进呢?谢谢老 师。我们的想法是客人还是希望和我们合作,然后他说我们的价格比别人高了 50%,是不是 客人用的是我们开发信的那个报价和我后面给他提供的报价来说呢,因为确实是差了一半了。 客人做那么多动作是想让我们降价吗?


1 客户既然说还是想跟我们合作,这个时候我们出话术的时候也要跟他产生呼应,我们 也要说也想跟他继续合作,表达下你强烈的意愿,除此之外,回顾下你们之前的合作,一直 保持良好的合作,感谢他一直给我们的信任,而且也要说过往合作,我们的产品质量没有出 现什么问题,或者说一个比例,唤起客户对质量认同的记忆。

2 重点部分再次解释你的报价和你同事的报价的不同a.库存货b.材料等级不一样,我同事 是国内料,你给的是进口料把所有影响价格的因素全部罗列出来,如果你们能够用图片和视 频展示的,都要清晰的展示出来c.可以安排给客户寄送这两种布料的样品欢迎他进行对比。

3 总结所以我们能提供不同等级的产品,价格区间分别在,然后问客户目前大致需要什 么等级范围类,无论哪种,我们都可以提供。

4 再次表达合作意愿,针对当下质量好的产品,为了表达我们的诚意,我们现在提供最 好的价格是多少,你们能提供多少就是多少,但是一定是开会讨论得出来的,否则会让客户 觉得是轻易降价,然后反问客户是否这次能确认订单呢,不要忘记成交。


Dear Xxx,

Wish you have a nice day!

We sincerely hope that we can continue to maintain a friendly and long-term cooperation with you like our previous cooperation.

Especially, from our previous orders, you are very satisfied with our product quality, and there are not any problems until now, so, you are confidence in introducing these products to your clients, yes ? Which also help you save money and time.

In fact, it is necessary for me to tell you again the differences between our offer and others one by one as below:-

There are 3 kinds of materials in our product area.

a: domestic materials

b: imported ordinary materials

c: imported high-grade materials

Our price base on imported high-grade materials. Because you are our important customer, I know that you have high requirements , and we also obey it accordingly then give you best one, so, if you need different level, we also can do.

However, I have to explain clearly, the BFE of above 3 materials can reach 95% and 99%, however, the differences between them are the tensile force and the taste. The tensile force of the domestic materials will be relatively poor and there will be some taste, but it will not affect the BFE.The quality and tensile strength of meltblown cloth made of imported high-grade materials are the best and tasteless.

1. The grades of materials are not the same.

2. we are afraid that other price is clearing stock one, and maybe you only get one time, however, it has a risk that your client will not accept to change next time. Please double check before you decide.( 痛点讲清楚)

Besides, we can arrange to send you fabric samples made from these 3 materials, and welcome you to compare them.

We know that you are currently having cash-flow problem. Can you tell me what grade range of materials you need now? Either higher or lower level, we can provide it. I hope we can continue to cooperate for a long time and become your permanent and stable supplier. Anyhow, in order to express our sincerity and help you do easily, our company hold a meeting about your order today, after detailed discussion and careful calculation, please kindly see our best price from the attachment, besides, we suggest that you buy 3 mion mask raw materials in 40HQ then can save transport fee, may I know your update idea ? Thank you in advance.

Looking forward to your friendly reply.

Best wishes,


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