


问题:做外贸过程当中我们经常会遇到一些情况就是我们的报价会比我们网站上的要贵, 有的时候甚至贵很多,客户经常会拿着这个来质疑我们,这个时候我们要利用高情商话术去 说服客户。其实,很多时候,我们网站上的价格跟实际做出来样品的价格,还是有区别的, 一般可以用哪些话术跟客户沟通吗?

回复话术:一般来说当我们的实际价格与网站上价格不一样的时候的通用解释方法应该 是:

Dear xxx,

I am very sorry for the confusion due to the cost difference from the Alibaba Website.

Anyway please share your best understanding that we are the B2B manufacturer, there are too many things that would affect the prices:

1. Quantity, as a factory , quantity is very important for us.

2. Customization, some requirements would cause very big cost differences.

3. Specifications, like material, the real leather would cause huge difference in the cost.These are the main differences between B2B and B2C, I really hope this would not be the barrier in our business. (The most important that we can offer you the good products with reasonable cost, right?)

Sure, I have to say sorry that we would write some lower cost in the website as attraction purpose, anyway please do trust that we would not quote you the high prices to push you away.

Your understanding and support would be very helpful for us to move the order forward.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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