

问题:有一个客户让我报价300个,我一开始报的是带8种亮灯模式的价格$4.62/pc,客户 说我们的价格太贵了,我就转移客户的注意力到产品质量上,客户才说他要的是2种亮灯模式 ,他还截图给我看他在其他供应商采购过的价格是$2.45/pc,现在也还在卖,只是不想把鸡蛋放 在一个篮子里,所以想多找三四家供应商,而且还说已经从事这个行业有5年的经验了,知 道是什么样的质量,他从其他家买的灯从来没有收到过投诉说质量不好。

回复思路:这个时候先给客户报价然后再引导客户买样品做对比(站在帮助客户的角度出 发),这个时候要相信客户在找供应商一定是有原因的,不要纠结在那个2.45上面,要想办法 转移客户的注意力并利用话术说服客户:


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Today our company held a meeting of your order and we made a very careful calculation about your order for our Xxx Product with only 2 XXX.

The best price I can offer to you is $3.04/pc based on xxx pcs.

Of course, there are always lower-priced products in the market, as your professional and responsible sales, I would love to advise if you could try to order some samples so that you can make a better comparison and a right decision?

Market is always changing, I do believe a good business also needs us to make more improvements and changes so that we can catch the best time in the market, if possible I also advise you can order more styles for testing market result,like 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx, 8xxx and so on.

If you think my advise is helpful please share me your decision so that I can re-confirm the cost for you.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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