

问题:我刚好有个荷兰客户现在在要求我们打样,样品国家有点多,十几个国家都要求 打样,旗帜围巾类产品我们自己工厂做可以满足,但是有两款产品我们也是外购的,棒球帽 和护腕,去外购工厂那边打样首先是费用比较高(客户那边不付打样费),其次是工厂也不太愿 意给我们打那么多个款的样品,客户也明确表示他们这么多国家的样品即使打样了,也不一 定每个国家都会下单,他们要看每场赛事的结果来下单。我也建议过客户能否打四五个国家 的样品给客户参考,但是客户没同意,坚持每个国家都要打样。我本来想以加快出样速度这 一点再跟客户谈谈,能否等确定哪些国家会下单,然后我们再打这几个国家的样品给客户, 但是刚刚确认了一下这两款产品出样都要一个月,看来没法用这一点跟客户谈了,我想问问 我要怎么写这个邮件给客户能让客户放弃打那么多国家的样品。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind patience to confirm so much details with us.

As we confirmed that you would need to take samples for around 20 countries, sure I really love to support you on it. Today your issue was mentioned in our company "Potential VIP Customer" meeting, our company would love to support you on the free samples, but we also need your support on the sample quantity:

l. We would love to offer you the free samples for only 4-5 countries so that you can test the using of them, especially the quality of them. (I do believe the main purpose of the samples is to test the quality of it and to confirm the specifications so that we don't make mistakes on it)

2.1f you really need all the samples, our company would request you to pay us around $xxx total including shipping, please do believe we don't get any profits from the samples, we just would love to make all the samples more valued. (People would pay more attention to the things that they pay, right?).

So our company really hopes, as potential business partner, we should try our best to share understanding and support to each other so that we can grow together.

Your reply on the confirmation would be highly appreciated .(I do believe both of us would try to make our "effort we paid to this order" happen as we spent so much time on it)

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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