

问题:这个客人是前几天刚报价,报价的时候她说要500/1000/2000/5000,我们的查过她 是家加拿大温哥华市的一家首饰店的,不是专业客人(我们是做贺卡的),所以报价的时候是500 张价格最精准,然后其他产品资料是按照我们自己对加拿大市场的了解订的,然后她今天回 复:

Thank you so much for your response .1 have found a supplier that can do a much lower price and lower MOQ so Fm going to go with them as I'm just starting a new business and need to keep my cost a slow as 1 can.I thank you of taking the time to get me a quote. Thank you so much.Have a great day!!!



Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply .

As per your inquiry you requested us to quote you the price of quantity 500/1000/2000/5000, and I did.I thought you would choose the quantity from the one you listed.

Sure lower quantity is also accepted by our company, so 1 think 1 also have the chance to gain this business, would you please confirm how many pieces you are going to purchase so that I can quote you the exact prices including shipping.( You should also share me the chance to compete in the same level, right?)

Your reply to offer me the chance would be highly appreciated.

As per my professional experience, I think the Card is with 300gsm paper and Envelope 120gsm would be the best"coupleM for your requirements, would you please confirm if other supplier gave you the same prices?

Looking forward to your kind reply .

Best Regards,

Your Xxx

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