


问题:有个俄罗斯客户要采购xx的,现在处于等待客户的产品设计稿件出来报价格。已经 报价过,也经历过了讨价阶段,我们让利了 3%的优惠折扣。

7-13:利用原材料上涨,及让利3%使得我们现在的薄利不能支持任何的成本涨价,去催客 户的产品稿件尽快发给我们报价。

7-14:收到客户的回复是:thank you for your letter. We are pushing our engineer, so we can send you final 3D drawings etc. we understand the situation regarding raw materials and we will do our best to have final decisions soon.



Dear Xxx,

Wish you have a nice day and everything goes well.

Thank you very much for your kind patience, which was very helpful for us to confirm the product details, as you mentioned that your engineer is drawing the 3D design last time.Time flies, it has been around one week after our previous communication, I still didn't get the update from your side, I do believe your side would probably meet some difficulties in the designing.

If yes, would you please share them to me so that I can try to double confirm with our engineer.

We also have very professional designing team who could offer you the help in the drawing, if you need our help you can also ask from us, we would very glad to offer you the help with our professional product knowledge and experience.

I do believe we only have to keep a little more patience then we would help each other to move a big step in this order.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards, Yours Xxx

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