

问题:有一个客户我们给他的报价已经非常低了,是非常有竞争力的价格了,但是他仍 然在比价,产品优势也已经说很多遍了甚至分析哪些方面真的节约了很多他的成本,但他仍 然比价格8500想弄到7500,怎么办?

回复思路:外贸谈判往往没有绝路,只要我们有着“打不死的小强”的坚韧,多去打破 自己的舒适圈,我们就--定能够在艰苦的谈判当中找到破绽,成功为我们僵持的谈判破冰。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Please do share your best understand that only $7500 can't afford the products we confirmed, as a professional and responsible sales, if I accepted your target price only $ 7500, then our company must try to figure out some ways to cut some quality, I do believe this is not what you would like to see.

As we all know that lower prices are always with reasons, please do trust too low prices would normally bring lost but not profits, market is market does, the best selling products are always the reasonable products with reasonable profits.

As business partner or we can say as a real profitable business partner, we should try to help each other to grow together with reasonable profits, do you agree?

So please do share your best understand on it so that we can get this order confirmed.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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