
案例73-75 涨价话术① -③


做外贸过程当中我们经常会遇到一些情况就是我们因为市场原因不得不给客户涨价。但 是这个时候客户经常会不同意甚至会对我们发飙,业务员要站稳姿态,不要自己吓自己。

问题:有个老客户对价格非常敏感,上次下单的时候因为材料涨价涨了客户差不多3USD, 客户非常生气,但是用过您的涨价话术跟客户解释,后面客户也才缓下来最后确认了订单,现 在订单因为材料的问题已经2个月还没给客户交货,客户前两天又下了新的订单,但是这次价格 又因为其他原因涨了有5USD+ (相当于到现在产品一共涨了将近9USD,差不多45%),我想着直 接发报价和PI过去给客户,客户看后肯定要发飙的,所以想发邮件过去的时候先跟客户说点什 么,让客户心里有底,我想着如果像之前那样解释没什么诚意,想了很久无从下手,请问下 您这封邮件内容应该怎么写好?谢谢!

回复思路:涨价是很正常的商业行为,我们又没有骗客户钱,不要降价就理直气壮,一 涨价就自己吓自己,大家讲道理的。利用下面话术直接告诉客户涨价了。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind support in the new order of our Xxx Product.

I am very sorry but please share your best understanding that the price of our Xxx Product keeps going up again, now the best price I can offer to you is $xxx/pc based on xxx pcs about the new order.

So would you please confirm if the update cost would help us to have the order confirmed?

Please do trust this is the same for all of the customers in China, it is the unavoidable market rule.

Sure as long as you confirm the order with update cost then I will send you the PI with order details for your double confirmation, thank you very much.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx


问题:客户那边回复是这样,他只接受涨价5%-6%,因为他给他客户只涨了这么多,现在 我该如何回复?

回复思路:专业,自信的话术下,客户脾气也没有了,也不发飙了,也能接受涨价,虽 然还没有达到我们涨的幅度,这个时候看一下6%是多少钱(要涨43%),公司的意见也非常 重要,问好了就出招就可以了(一定要养成邮件的习惯,增加自己的话术专业度,语气)


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

I am very sorry but please do trust only 6% couldn, t help us to confirm the order as we don't have so big profits (43%-6%=37%) to offer you so much discount, now we

have only around 5-8% profits, though I really eager to take your order, I am very sorry but I can't lower the prices any more, I really hope you can share your best understanding.

Especially now it is our factorys rush season which would not allow us to get the too low profits order at present.

I really hope you could also discuss with your customers about this and know how is the feedback from our customers, thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx


回复思路:把客户逼到墙角,这个时候话术已经到位了,如果真的降不了,就回复客户 说: I am very sorry but would you please try to compare with other suppliers first about this item?

如果能降,那就将最新的价格报给客户,利用降龙十巴掌第八掌给点客户台阶下。现在 我已经将他逼到角落了,你们公司做的决定会直接影响到成交,你们要根据自己实际情况去 做分析及做决定。


Dear Xxx,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Do you believe that when I saw your email I cried, I cried not because of the order, it is because you trust me even I increased the cost and keep supporting me in this order (though the increasing is the difficulties that we have to face together).

I would try my best to feedback you:

1. Qualified products with qualified services.

2. Sure when you need some help from our side in the future please let me know then I will apply for you as feedback.

3. A personal gift with my personal picture which shows my grate in the bottom heart.

Thanks again for your trust and support.

Looking forward to your xxxxxxxxxxx (看下接来要做什么).

Best Regards,

Yours Xxx

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