
案例65 老客户不愿付模具费


问题:我们有个老客户现在合作了一款产品,2个月大概下了 200万人民币左右的订单, 现在要在原有的模具基础上改新的设计,需要重新开模,我们为了满足客户的交期,需要开2 套模具才能确保客户觉得还可以的交期,一套模具费是4W人民币,现在客户新单要求用新的 设计,我们开一套模,要客户也付一套模具费,客户订单累计5Wpcs就退回模具费,客户几轮 下来,还是想把模具费平摊到产品单价上。

现在的诉求:我们公司考虑的点是我们要投2套模,8W人民币的磨具费,客户万一没有 下单用新模,模具就没有用上,或者我们也不知道什么时候可以达到5W个,不过根据目前客 户的订单情况是2个月下了 5.5W个产品了,客户自己的预期是一个月有10W个的订单量,客 户不愿意直接付模具费,分摊到每次订单的产品单价,我们又想要他直接付一套模具费,这 样也表明客户确认很有诚意用新模(因为客户的竞争对手就可以提供给他们终端客户新的模 具功能的产品),请问怎么回复客户比较好?感谢老师抽空帮忙指导指导,给出宝贵的建议!!


Dear Xxx,

How are you ?

Please kindly accept my thousands of thank you because of your biggest support over past 5 years, our order amount from US$5,000 (the first time) to US$XXX (each month recently), that is very inspired, in the other word, with our both effort, our business is bigger and bigger, so, we come true win to win, yes ?

Now, it is a big chance for us too, and our business should have a wider area, meanwhile, please also kindly consider that we need to bear each other responsibility and risk together, after all, we are not just simple cooperation relationship but a good and long term partner from my heart, so, if we both have any difficulties then we can discuss and come over it together, how do you think ?

Sure, we would like to pay two module fee US$11,940 (RMB80,000 as I mentioned before) in advance to give you biggest support, however, as you knew, the situation or status is not good, in fact, we have a big push pressure from our financial dept recently, as you knew, we just rent 5 floor building to extend our production line, besides, we also need to pay material' s suppliers cost with cash because of this special time, all of these factors lead to our company* s cash status is bad now and our other strategy projects can not continue, especially, our production line was planed to extend more than 2 lines (或者 其他项 目),so that meet company future development need, what is more, the exchange rate is not stable, above factors are all lead to our cost become more higher.

So, could you please give you best understanding that pay some deposit for this new module* s target quantities, supposed you try US$100,000-US$300,000 next time, how about pay only 0.4% deposit, sure, we would return you this deposit when your quantities arrive the one we discussed, even, for the sake of safe, we can draft one normal contract, and remark all details you concerned.

Until now, our cooperation is very smooth and successful, I believe that we can do better in coming years with our both kind understanding and support, also, if you have any worries, please just feel free to inform me, and I would love to discuss with my team.

Thank you very much again and again.

Yours sincerely,


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