

问题:我现在有一个客户比较麻烦,从收到询盘到现在快三个月了,打过一次样品,然 后一直在讨价还价,客户要求产品加香味,但是加香味会变质,用了更好的进口香精想让他 们增加订单量,我们能节省点成本。但是他们又要求降价,最后降了一点,25004.06 金一盒,准备签合同,但是客户又提出生产不带香精的1000盒一起做,要求价格3.68,但是 这个价格是很早之前在我们经过价格谈判后的2000盒不加香精的单价,这样我们1000盒根 本做不下来,虽说总量3500盒,但是有香跟无香的我们分开生产,成本也是高的,我应该怎 么处理。



Dear Xxx,

I am sorry but have to inform you that our material cost is increased 15% from our purchasing dept, and shipping cost is higher 8% before, and we will get an normal inform from our financial dept, in 2 days. Please kindly understand that the time is so limited for us.

We appreciated highly for your kind support of this new order. Sure we believe that our next cooperation would goes up, however, if there are not any profit for business, how we continue ?

My own opinion whether you can keep lOOOpcs order next time, please let us solve 2500pcs first, after all, whatever from time and cost, we can not wait or delay any more. Please kindly understand that US$4.06 is really our best best best price, you can not find cheaper any more in the market.

Anyhow, please let us close it US$4.04 for 3500pcs finally, I don' t know how to use words to describe this complex mind. In a word, we did do our best to meet your need, I also hope that you can understand our hard status.

Thousands of thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,


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